Discover what candidates say about AI interviews, and how they can enhance the overall interview experience.
As companies look for new ways to offer skill-based hiring while streamlining recruitment, AI interviews are emerging as a powerful tool. AI interviews not only improve efficiency and reduce costs for organizations, but also can provide benefits to applicants and candidates. Here are some of the top benefits Screenify has heard from candidates that have taken its AI interviews.
AI interviews give candidates the freedom to complete the interview whenever they’re free, reducing the stress of having to find a time that fits both the interviewer’s and candidate’s schedules.This has been especially helpful for recruiters and candidates that are in different time zones.
“I was able to do the interview anywhere at any time, which was really valuable for providing the flexibility I needed to balance other tasks and priorities.”
The AI interview process speeds things up for both candidates and recruiters. For candidates, it means less waiting around to hear from employers and a faster job search. For companies, it means quicker hiring decisions without sacrificing quality.
“The experience was very efficient. It was easy to join the interview”
Unlike live interviews, where you feel pressured to answer immediately. AI interviews put less pressure on the candidate and allow them time to think. They can take a moment to formulate well-thought-out answers, leading to better responses and a clearer expression of their thought process.
“I felt like I was given more time to elaborate who I was, what my passions were, what really motivated me to do what I’m doing. This gave me a chance to fully explain myself and show off my knowledge.”
Candidates often find AI interviews more comfortable. With less pressure, they think more clearly and answer questions more thoughtfully. This relaxed setting helps them showcase their skills without worrying about judgment.
“Because it wasn’t a real person interviewing me, I felt that I could be more open, honest, and truly focus on what I want to say”
The AI uses a consistent scoring system to evaluate everyone on the same standards. By focusing only on your responses, it helps get rid of unconscious biases that can happen in traditional interviews, no matter your appearance, accent, or anything else.
“I’ve had days where I’ve crushed the interview but didn’t pass because the person on the other line had a bad day. That was pretty nice not to worry about.”
AI interviews are transforming the hiring process by making the process more streamlined while increasing the quality of hiring. They let candidates schedule interviews on their own time, speed up hiring decisions, give more time to think through answers, reduce stress, and ensure fair assessments. As more companies start using this tool, it’s clear that AI interviews are a big win for the whole interview experience.
By streamlining recruitment, Screenify enabled Antler to screen out 70% of candidates early, saving time and enhancing team efficiency.
Trelevate scaled their applicant screening with Screenify's AI interviews and saw a 91% decrease in costs and 975% ROI.
Learn about the top interviewing tools in the industry at the forefront of tackling challenges of High Volume Recruitment